20x Fast NVMe SSD | Bullet proof security | 100% Uptime | Free 30 Days Backup | Free SiteLock | Free SSL

















NVMe SSD Web Hosting Tailored For Performances

Shared Hosting


Dedicated Hosting


VPS Hosting


Welcome to Hosting Sheba 24

We provide fast, affordable & secure hosting all over the world.

HostingSheba24 is a cheap price Best web Hosting Provider In Bangladesh with Top security and 99.99% up-time. We are top Domain Hosting provider in Bangladesh.

Hosting Sheba Features

Affordable web hosting provides the ability to share your creative thoughts and ideas, ranging from personal to business, hosted on the internet!

System Protection

Its life saving security. Our automated system recognizes almost all attack patterns and providing you with first-rate protection against large-scale attacks

Data Transfer

Hosting Sheba 24 is a web hosting website which offers data transfer and other web hosting services. Data transfer facility is needed by almost every person living on this planet. Another positive factor is its 24/7 availability.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access technology services.

Fastest NVMe SSD Servers

SSD is 2/3 times faster than HDD. But we are not using SSD. We are using NVMe SSD which is 5/6 times faster than normal SSD. So it is 20x faster than HDD

Money Back Guarantee

Money Back guarantee is included in all web hosting plans.

Cloud Technology

Cloud computing technology gives users access to storage, files, software, and servers through their internet-connected devices

NVMe SSD storage

SSD is 2/3 times faster than HDD. But we are not using SSD. We are using NVMe SSD which is 5/6 times faster than normal SSD. So it is 20x faster than HDD

DDoS protected shared hosting

Its life saving security. Our automated system recognizes almost all attack patterns and providing you with first-rate protection against large-scale attacks

30 Days Remote Daily backups

Yes! We allocate 30 times more storage than your package size for keeping backup. No invisible or word of mouth backup. You will see yourself 30 copies of your backup. 

Our Global DataCentres

Web Hosting Tailored For Performances

Client’s Reviews

Hosting Sheba 24 Dot com

I've been their client since 2021. Their support team is very helpful and spontaneous. Keep up the good service

Shakil Mahmud Assistant Manager(Travel Sheba Dot Com)

One of the leading web hosting company in Bangladesh Being a member of the support team, I feel proud of myself

Shohag Mridha Manager(Fardin Branding Zone)

Hosting Sheba 24 থেকে দুইটা হোস্টিং নিয়েছি। আমার কাছে ভালোই লাগছে। তাদের সাপোর্ট বেশ দারুণ। তাদের উত্তোর উত্তোর সাফল্য কামনা করি।

Sumiya Sarmin Marketing Manager Sales